iEARN CIVICS Project-Pakistan
Background : Authentic writing occurs when people read and write with real audiences for a real purpose. The social, political and other current affairs and events around the globe provides a rich ground for students to communicate. They can exchange views, opinions, ideas and reflect with a diverse group of global audience and join the global fight against intolerance, injustice and terrorism. This unit plan focuses the current global and issues and how it effects people locally, specifically conflict and unrest in South Asian or other regions of the world, all kind of political or social issues were also focused in the past, like destruction of statues of Buddha, Earthquake in Gujrath, War in Israel and Palestine . Basically it should take up any current event.
Focusing such issues students would be able to voice their views and ideas in iEARN interactive forum- the CIVICS. (Community Voices and Collaborative Efforts).
Class: VIII_X (can be adapted for elementary classes as well or integrated with Social Studies)
Objectives: By the end of the unit students would be able to:
· Read and reflect about the current global events focused at social issues
· Discuss critically, issues related to terrorism, intolerance and injustice globally
· Express their views and recommendations against terrorism, intolerance and injustice utilizing various forms of writing (Poetry, Prose, Slogans, Brief Messages, Essays)
· Respond and Post their written expressions on the online Forums, iEARN CIVICS.
Resources and Preparation: Newspapers for one week.
Open a new discussion thread in the iEARN CIVICS a day before students begin posting their writings. Teacher add a brief two lines introduction of the discussion.
Total Time: 1 English Language class of 50 minutes , 1 Library, and 2 Computer Classes. Total 4 Teaching Periods.
Library Based Class (1 period)- Pre-Writing
(Library period or substitute period can be utilised for this purpose)
· Guide the students to sit in groups, identify news items related to a recent global conflict/issue , or any other event of conflict, terrorism, injustice and intolerance.
· Direct students specifically to Editorial Columns, Front Page News and World/International pages. Discuss the news content:
- The possible reasons leading to this event
- Repurcussions of this event by various groups (religious, ethnic, geographical, historical) around the globe?
- Is the piece of news reflecting the different perspective of the event?
- Is it biased?
- What is unsaid in that piece of news?
- What is your reaction to the event?
- What are your recommendations for betterment?
- Keep notes of the main points of your discussion
Language Class (1 Period): Writing
· Students sit in their Library groups or individually express their feelings in a form of poetry, essay, message, letter, slogan/statement etc.
· Students must come up with a rough draft of their work.
Homefun: Refresh your ideas, finalize your writing. Students would submit their writings the next day which the teacher is expected to go over and suggest modification.
Computer Class (2 periods): Global Communication
· In the computer period students would sit in groups and word process their writings.
· Teacher and computer instructors would go around proof reading.
· Students would then log on to the iEARN and post their writings in the iearn.civics
Follow-UP (2-3 days later):
· After 2-3 days take the student again to the Computer Lab and let them read and print out the responses to their initial postings. The discussion thread is to be filed in students English copies/journals.
· Students can also reply to the responses.
· A soft board display could be created containing all the discussion threads.