
 Affiliate of iEARN, The International Education and Resource Network

iEARN Pakistan "Connecting youth making a difference"

iEARN BRIDGE-Pakistan  

iEARN Centers of the BRIDGE Countries are working very closely together and engaging in communication with  each other and work together on collaborative thematic online project  activities.  Faculty in Pakistani schools are trained in how to use Internet resources for educational purposes and in how to work collaboratively online with peers and experts globally.

- To generate personal and institutional ties among students, educators and their schools
-To engage the partner schools in ongoing communication, 
collaborative projects, and where possible, the exchange 
of people to promote mutual understanding.
-To enhance the use of the Internet in schools in developing 
educational materials and methodologies that will benefit the 
schools from participating countries and U.S. schools in teaching language, geography, 
social studies and culture
-To develop tools and a climate for discussing differing 
points of  view, overcoming suspicion and resolving conflict.
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