
 Affiliate of iEARN, The International Education and Resource Network

iEARN Pakistan " Connecting youth making a difference"

iEARN Pakistan Programs Participation Process

iEARN Pakistan is working closely with several National and International Orgnisations for supporting students, schools and educators. Following are the major components of our program:

1)      Teachers Training and Professional Development

2)      Students workshop and summer camps for online project based learning

3)      Mobilizing youth for volunteering and community service projects

4)      Developing and support of online telecommunications projects

5)      Publishing students’ project work

6)      Technology needs assessments for participating schools

7)      Internet Learning Centre Installations

8)      The U.S. exchange program for high schools students.

The participation in our programs requires a simple process:

1- Read the program details and general information about iEARN Pakistan from the website and write to the Country Coordinator- Farah@iearnpk.org


2- The school Principal/Director/DEO will have to complete the School Partnership Application download it online. or it can be obtained from iEARN Pakistan office in Karachi or by an email request. Completed frorms can be mailed to iEARN-Pk office or mail to Country Coordinator at Farah@iearnpk.org

3- The application will undergo a review following which you would be informed in written if the school is selected.

4- A technical assessment is also conducted of the school computer laboratory as part of the school selection process.

5. 2 -4 teachers from each of the  selected schools will be invited to participate in the 3 days teachers training program. Following this training teachers would initiate at least 2 iEARN,  theme projects in the school curriculum.




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