Laws of Life -Changing perceptions and changing lives

Students will investigate their own values/"laws of life", test them in a real-life situation, then communicate and share what they have learned with other students around the world in writing in the form of a short essay. In addition to communicating in writing, students will be asked to enrich and enhance their learning and written-communication skills using some "right brain", creative methodology employing the Arts (i.e. drawing, poetry, painting, sculpture, film, on-line animations, music, movement, etc.).

Students and teachers around the world will be able to share and learn from each other through the on-line and hard-copy compilation of student products. Of equal importance is that students will have the experience of applying their values in the real world. This will give them the experience of compassionate action and help build a future of compassionate adults in the world.

This lesson plan is a comprehensive guideline on getting started with iEARN for the first time with grades 5-12 students.

             Connecting Cultures-A Guide To A Global Classroom


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